Thursday, June 12, 2014

Gift Guide: Father's Day

He's always there to make you laugh...
Always there to dispense advice...
Always the guy with your best interest in mind...
Basically the greatest guy around...
What would we do without dear ol' Dad?
And as the day to celebrate Dad is upon us,
I've put together a quick list of ideas of  last minute gift ideas
Give him a sip of the good stuff
in these wonderful Himalayan salt tequila glasses.
Perfect for the hardest worker you know!
Equally beautiful and functional! 
(Set of 4 $33/Uncommon Goods)
All the swanky necessities to achieve the perfect shave,
"a month of shaving in a box,"
Bonus: the wonderfully chic German engineered custom engraved handle
(The Winston Set $40/Harry's)

A food gift that brings 3 months of surprise and excitement to any food lover,
Specially packed with 6 full size artisan food products for Dad to indulge in...
And could you die over this wonderful packaging?!
(3 month subscription $225/The Mantry)
Equally classic, masculine and ruggedly chic,
Dad will love this iPad case on travels and at home, alike!
Bonus: The oh-so-cool snap closure sourced from
vintage WWII 45 ACP holsters
(American Steerhide iPad Case $159/Orvis
Who says chocolate's only for the ladies?
A collection of five artisan chocolate bars from renowned Chocolatiers,
Mast Brothers, will surely make Dad's day delicious
(Artisan Collection $44/Mast Brothers)

And if all else fails, why not indulge Dad in a collection of his favorite
Sci-Fi thrillers from years gone by? 
The surest way to help him recount fond childhood memories!
(Planet of the Apes 5-Film Collection/$30) 

So be sure to let Dad know exactly what he means to you,
pour him a cold one, put a few burgers on the grill, and let him kick back and take it easy...
If he's anything like my Dad, he's more than earned it!

Have a wonderful Father's Day!


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