Originally designed with functionality, portability, and convenience in mind, camp beds and military cots are now the perfect accessory for any farmhouse chic abode!
While their original purpose certainly isn't lost on me,
I simply can't get over how wonderfully chic these little cots are!
The simplicity in their design lends itself to perfect inclusion into a variety of design styles, contemporary, traditional, southwestern, farmhouse and industrial.
You can imagine how thrilled I was when I across one for sale
for $30 on Ebay, I knew I had to have it!

I love the industrial look of the wood frame and hinged legs against the
beautifully weathered cream canvas!
And while I'm fully prepared for Emerson, my perfectly pampered yorkie,
to take over the cot (he loves cozy little places like this to call his own),
I have big plans for adorning mine with a few throw pillows wrapped in some antique linens, then placed squarely at the foot of my bed.
Though my plans for my antique military cot are clear, I've included some examples of other ways they've been incorporated into a few other settings to inspire you!
The versatility of the cots is so evident when paired with colorful tribal patterns, hand spun wool pillows, lush sheepskin, and southwestern flora. Makes me crave a trip to Santa Fe...
Can anyone else smell the burning pinon in the air?
The ease of portability certainly allows for cots to function in a variety of different ways, while I'd recommend reinforcing the antique fabric before allowing the cots to be used as originally intended, I adore their use as comfy resting places for visiting guests. They also function well as extra seating.
One of the most popular uses for military cots is functioning as a coffee table.
Often adorned with trays for stability, they certainly do function well in this role.
You'll note that some cots have been painted in a more monochrome shade, or have had fabric replaced with a more contemporary, geographic patterns to compliment
the design aesthetics of a room.
A fine idea, but for me, the more authentically rustic, the better.
I'm completely smitten with the rusty red hinges and slightly stained cream canvas.
And just as you'd guess cots are perfect accessories for outdoor use as well.
While I'd love to pull mine out for use around a fire and as the perfect resting place for pillows, blankets and a tray of beverages, I'd definitely be mindful to pull mine back inside to ensure no damage is done to the antique wood from morning dew or popping embers.
A quick search on Etsy and Ebay yielded lots of results, options ranging from $20-$500.
As they're readily available and oh-so luxe, I can't encourage you to get one for yourself, enough!
These are the perfect summer accessory to round out any backyard soiree, or add just the right amount of rustic charm to your home!
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